How to get a strong jawline?

The jaw line is the outline of the lower jaw of the face. It is mainly made up of three muscles: temporal, masseter and pterygoideus medialis. Like all other muscles in our body, jaw muscles grow when stimulated with targeted training. The jaw line is the externally visible area of ​​the jaw or the chin-jaw outline of the face that extends from the chin to the ears. It is mainly composed of four muscle groups: musculus masseter (masticator muscle), musculus temporalis (temporal muscle), musculus pterygoideus medialis and lateralis (inner/outer wing muscle). This muscle group forms the masticatory muscles which are responsible for biting and chewing food.

The interaction of these four muscles pulls the lower jaw (mandible) - as the only movable member of all the bones of the skull - towards the upper jaw (maxilla). The Musculus masseter is the strongest masticatory muscle and even, in proportion to its size, the strongest human muscle. About half of the total chewing power during feeding comes from him. Together with the lower jaw, it visually forms the largest part of the jaw line.

You can't modify your bones but you can train your jaw muscles.

Although we want to highlight it, most of us don't really know what the jawline is. A person's jaw is set based on their genes (hence the ability for people to guess who they look like, if their face looks like their father's, mother's or grandparent's) . We call the mandible the bone that we want to highlight. With the exception of invasive and risky surgery, bone structure cannot change other than through a person's natural growth over the years.

What can be changed, however, are the muscles and fat that surround the jawbone in the face and neck regions and this is what most treatments are aimed at. So what is the evolution of the situation regarding these muscles and this fat? The most common movement of the mouth is chewing. Most of the methods listed below focus on this activity:

5 ways to have a defined jawline

1. Chew gum

10% effective

Yes, long periods of chewing stimulate facial muscles. Many people regularly chew gum to work their jawbone, although this method yields little results.

However, do you really want to chew all day for minimal results - especially when exposure to sugar (often present in chewing gum) increases bacterial growth, which increases the risk of cavities?

Of course, you can choose sugar-free, but be careful. Some artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, also pose risks.

2. Mewing

20-40% effective

You may be wondering what “mewing” is. It's what ? Mew like a cat? Ok no more seriously. Mewing is a progressive jaw-strengthening technique that uses your own anatomy (primarily the tongue) to generate force through your jaw to activate seldom-used muscles. It is safe because there are no external factors to consider except age. The technique is not so simple to use on its own, not to mention its increasing ineffectiveness from adulthood. However, it is possible, even if it remains delicate, to do this technique correctly without a mirror.

3. Lose weight

20-40% effective

Predictable but tested and approved. Except for a few rare specimens, losing weight is a surefire way to get rid of fat around the face. Still, there are very few exercises (like the previously mentioned “mewing”) that explicitly target facial muscles. Plus, it may not work if you don't have enough weight to lose, except for that stubborn double chin! Relying solely on exercise and diet is a good thing, but there is still no specific solution to this problem of working the jaw muscles. Nevertheless, it is certainly a good additional point to bear in mind.

4. Jaw surgery

60-90% effective

Many might consider this solution as a last resort after trying many other methods. Surgery can certainly give you a slimmer, sharper jawline in a matter of weeks, but there are three important points to consider:

  1. This could mean thousands of dollars in costs, especially for the highly recommended post-operative care;
  2. The dangers of a failed surgery depend on the skill of the surgeon. Surely you need a very reliable option if you go this route;
  3. It is very invasive so this type of intervention can be accompanied by future health problems. There are many risks of complications either directly during or after the operation.

Unlike other methods, it is not at all natural. So you need to consider this option very thoroughly by doing a lot of research. However, if you have any doubts, don't.

5. Jawbone Gum

90-100% effective
Surely the best way to get what you want on this list, which we saved for last. Jaw training gummies are a powerful tool provided you do regular exercise sessions. By chewing them hard, you train and grow your jaw muscles. This helps strengthen the jawline which gives you a more confident and sexy look.

The jaw training gum called JAWLINESS was designed to be safe for your health. It uses your natural mechanisms in line with a conscious lifestyle to achieve the best results. Simply chew the JAWLINESS on alternating days (to start slow) with a 5 minute workout. Chew slowly at first, holding your jaw clenched for 1 second until your muscles are tired. This should take about 2 minutes. Keep chewing faster to really feel the burn, then stop.

That's one series. Do 5-10 sets a day, take a break the next day and start again the next day. Over time, as you see results and gain strength, raise the bar with the harder variant of JAWLINESS.


Have the square jaw in 30 days

"Train your jaw muscles and get a 100% naturally defined jaw line with JAWLINESS Jawline Gym Gum".

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