
Yes we can deliver worldwide but additional shipping costs may apply and delivery times may be longer.

All orders placed in Europe are delivered from France or Spain, depending on the destination address.

We usually take 3 to 4 business days to deliver your package to your home. But it can go up to 7 working days in case of high demand due to the fact that we are a small team.

After placing your order you will receive a tracking number to track your order. But you can also track it on our order tracking page.

Returns and Exchanges

Before returning an order to us, please contact our support . We will give you all the information directly by email.

In case you break your Jawliness, there are 2 possibilities. Either it is under warranty because the product is defective. Either you misused it or used it too intensely. The easiest way is to contact us and send us a photo as an attachment. We'll get back to you within hours and if it's a manufacturing defect we'll send you a new one.

Health info

No there is no risk to your health. Our products are made from 100% FDA certified food grade silicone.

If you use our Jawliness correctly by chewing them with the molars there is no risk. It is therefore important never to chew them with the front teeth. In case you have any doubt do not hesitate to ask your dentist.

No, there is no risk if you chew both of our Jawliness well at the same time. But it is possible, if you take a lot of volume in the jaw, to move it slightly but without any risk. If in doubt, contact your dentist.


In general you will be able to see results within the first 10 days if you use it every day, especially if you follow our exercises to have express results.

Payment information

No, we do not accept payment by Paypal.

No, that is not possible.

No, at the moment our official products are only available on our website But we are working to make our products available in your favorite stores.

Yes, for that you just have to contact our support so that they can give you all the contact details to make the transfer to us. The order will only be shipped after receipt of the transfer.

Yes, absolutely, we accept payment by Visa and Mastercard.

Product info

The difference between our Jawliness is significant and not to be underestimated. If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with the JAWLINESS medium. Later, you can upgrade to confirmed JAWLINESS. Without experience and without prior training, JAWLINESS confirmed is too extreme for most beginners and you could hurt yourself with it.

Everything will depend on the intensity with which you use it. If you use it 10min a day it can last several months without problem. But if you use it intensely for several hours a day, plan to use it for 1 to 2 months, after which our Jawliness will no longer be strong enough to bring you results. Sharp teeth and improper use can also cause faster wear.

For beginners, we advise you to start with 10-15 min a day. But if you want faster results you can use it longer.